DMnDL is unique source for Dental Books, Videos, Animations, Pictures, Power points Presentations, Seminars, pdf documents, Mnemonics, MDS Exam Papers, MDS Exam Notification, Recent advancement in dentistry and many more.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e
James L. Gutmann DDS, Paul E. Lovdahl DDS
Publication Date: August 20, 2010 | ISBN-10: 032306888X | ISBN-13: 978-0323068888 | Edition: 5Problem Solving in Endodontics, 5th Edition, by James L. Gutmann and Paul Lovdahl, offers updated techniques and an evidence-based approach to the most common procedures performed at chairside. Ideal for both endodontists and general dentists, this thoroughly revised reference combines the precision of quality endodontic care with achievable and pain-free outcomes for the patient. Each chapter has been carefully designed so that you'll quickly grasp the anatomy, the instruments needed, and what procedures should be performed -- all supplemented by boxed clinical case examples and tips. Going beyond problem solving, it also addresses the major issues in diagnostic, anatomic, restorative, periodontic, traumatic, and surgical aspects of tooth retention.
- Provides chairside guidance for the endodontic procedures most commonly performed by endodontists and general dentists.
- Entire text has expanded concepts that are verified in new drawings and clinically relevant cases.
- Integrates new technologies and materials into every chapter that when applied result in predictable and optimal outcomes.
- Establishes clear parameters for the retention of teeth.
- Correlates optimal patient outcomes with an evidence-based approach.
- Reflects the practical expertise of renowned endodontics authority and past President of the AAE, Dr. James Gutmann, and endodontics specialist, Dr. Paul Lovdahl.
- Every chapter has been completely rewritten, and concepts have been integrated for quick recognition, understanding and application to common, everyday challenges.
- The Surgery section has been expanded with new case studies, and more in-depth coverage of indications and applications for surgeries, such as crown-lengthening technique, periradicular surgery to manage perforations and resorptive defects, and other endodontically-related problems.
- The approach of this text is to teach the clinician how to recognize and analyze the problems encountered and to synthesize the data for realistic and successful outcomes.
- To help you make the best clinical decisions, this edition contains new chapters and new sections on diagnosis and treatment planning that presents crucial information on Radiographic Images, Differential Diagnosis of Bony Defects, Diagnosis of Treatment Failure, and Diagnosis of Non-odontogenic Pain.
- Retains a succinct, user-friendly format with a new design that includes hundreds of NEW high-quality clinical photos and art.
- Offers broader coverage of tooth trauma with established treatment planning outcomes.
- ALL references are updated and annotated in the text.
- Provides a practical, problem-solving approach with new chapters on: radiographic technique and interpretation; impact of pulp disease on the periodontium and vice versa; treatment failure and tooth retention; how to differentiate problems of pulp/periodontium from those that are non-odontogenic in nature; vital pulp therapy; and more.
Tags: Download free pdf ebook Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e, latest edition, dental, mds, bds books, Author James L. Gutmann DDS CertEndo PhD(honoris causa) FACD FICD FADI (Author), Paul E. Lovdahl DDS MSD FACD FADI(Author)
Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e
James L. Gutmann DDS, Paul E. Lovdahl DDS
Publication Date: August 20, 2010 | ISBN-10: 032306888X | ISBN-13: 978-0323068888 | Edition: 5Problem Solving in Endodontics, 5th Edition, by James L. Gutmann and Paul Lovdahl, offers updated techniques and an evidence-based approach to the most common procedures performed at chairside. Ideal for both endodontists and general dentists, this thoroughly revised reference combines the precision of quality endodontic care with achievable and pain-free outcomes for the patient. Each chapter has been carefully designed so that you'll quickly grasp the anatomy, the instruments needed, and what procedures should be performed -- all supplemented by boxed clinical case examples and tips. Going beyond problem solving, it also addresses the major issues in diagnostic, anatomic, restorative, periodontic, traumatic, and surgical aspects of tooth retention.
- Provides chairside guidance for the endodontic procedures most commonly performed by endodontists and general dentists.
- Entire text has expanded concepts that are verified in new drawings and clinically relevant cases.
- Integrates new technologies and materials into every chapter that when applied result in predictable and optimal outcomes.
- Establishes clear parameters for the retention of teeth.
- Correlates optimal patient outcomes with an evidence-based approach.
- Reflects the practical expertise of renowned endodontics authority and past President of the AAE, Dr. James Gutmann, and endodontics specialist, Dr. Paul Lovdahl.
- Every chapter has been completely rewritten, and concepts have been integrated for quick recognition, understanding and application to common, everyday challenges.
- The Surgery section has been expanded with new case studies, and more in-depth coverage of indications and applications for surgeries, such as crown-lengthening technique, periradicular surgery to manage perforations and resorptive defects, and other endodontically-related problems.
- The approach of this text is to teach the clinician how to recognize and analyze the problems encountered and to synthesize the data for realistic and successful outcomes.
- To help you make the best clinical decisions, this edition contains new chapters and new sections on diagnosis and treatment planning that presents crucial information on Radiographic Images, Differential Diagnosis of Bony Defects, Diagnosis of Treatment Failure, and Diagnosis of Non-odontogenic Pain.
- Retains a succinct, user-friendly format with a new design that includes hundreds of NEW high-quality clinical photos and art.
- Offers broader coverage of tooth trauma with established treatment planning outcomes.
- ALL references are updated and annotated in the text.
- Provides a practical, problem-solving approach with new chapters on: radiographic technique and interpretation; impact of pulp disease on the periodontium and vice versa; treatment failure and tooth retention; how to differentiate problems of pulp/periodontium from those that are non-odontogenic in nature; vital pulp therapy; and more.
Tags: Download free pdf ebook Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e, latest edition, dental, mds, bds books, Author James L. Gutmann DDS CertEndo PhD(honoris causa) FACD FICD FADI (Author), Paul E. Lovdahl DDS MSD FACD FADI(Author)
Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e
James L. Gutmann DDS, Paul E. Lovdahl DDS
Publication Date: August 20, 2010 | ISBN-10: 032306888X | ISBN-13: 978-0323068888 | Edition: 5Problem Solving in Endodontics, 5th Edition, by James L. Gutmann and Paul Lovdahl, offers updated techniques and an evidence-based approach to the most common procedures performed at chairside. Ideal for both endodontists and general dentists, this thoroughly revised reference combines the precision of quality endodontic care with achievable and pain-free outcomes for the patient. Each chapter has been carefully designed so that you'll quickly grasp the anatomy, the instruments needed, and what procedures should be performed -- all supplemented by boxed clinical case examples and tips. Going beyond problem solving, it also addresses the major issues in diagnostic, anatomic, restorative, periodontic, traumatic, and surgical aspects of tooth retention.
- Provides chairside guidance for the endodontic procedures most commonly performed by endodontists and general dentists.
- Entire text has expanded concepts that are verified in new drawings and clinically relevant cases.
- Integrates new technologies and materials into every chapter that when applied result in predictable and optimal outcomes.
- Establishes clear parameters for the retention of teeth.
- Correlates optimal patient outcomes with an evidence-based approach.
- Reflects the practical expertise of renowned endodontics authority and past President of the AAE, Dr. James Gutmann, and endodontics specialist, Dr. Paul Lovdahl.
- Every chapter has been completely rewritten, and concepts have been integrated for quick recognition, understanding and application to common, everyday challenges.
- The Surgery section has been expanded with new case studies, and more in-depth coverage of indications and applications for surgeries, such as crown-lengthening technique, periradicular surgery to manage perforations and resorptive defects, and other endodontically-related problems.
- The approach of this text is to teach the clinician how to recognize and analyze the problems encountered and to synthesize the data for realistic and successful outcomes.
- To help you make the best clinical decisions, this edition contains new chapters and new sections on diagnosis and treatment planning that presents crucial information on Radiographic Images, Differential Diagnosis of Bony Defects, Diagnosis of Treatment Failure, and Diagnosis of Non-odontogenic Pain.
- Retains a succinct, user-friendly format with a new design that includes hundreds of NEW high-quality clinical photos and art.
- Offers broader coverage of tooth trauma with established treatment planning outcomes.
- ALL references are updated and annotated in the text.
- Provides a practical, problem-solving approach with new chapters on: radiographic technique and interpretation; impact of pulp disease on the periodontium and vice versa; treatment failure and tooth retention; how to differentiate problems of pulp/periodontium from those that are non-odontogenic in nature; vital pulp therapy; and more.
Tags: Download free pdf ebook Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management, 5e, latest edition, dental, mds, bds books, Author James L. Gutmann DDS CertEndo PhD(honoris causa) FACD FICD FADI (Author), Paul E. Lovdahl DDS MSD FACD FADI(Author)
JSSU PGET 2013 PG Dental Admissions & Counselling details
Application available from : Nov 12, 2012
Last Date: 31 Dec, 2012
EXAM DATE: 19 JAN 2013
Exam Center: Mysore, Bangalore, Noida, Chennai
Prospectus Cost: Rs 3000/-
Tags: JSSU university pg mds dental admission, exam paper, counselling, roll number, prospectus, download, jssu mds exam paper, mysore
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Manipal MDS Entrance Exam 2013

15 FEB 2013 - 24 FEB 2013
Test Centres:
The salient features of the computer based Online entrance test are:
The candidate sits in front of the computer and the questions are presented on the monitor and the candidate submits his/her answers through the use of mouse. The computer is connected to the server, which delivers the test, in real time through a reliable connectivity.
Online Entrance test assumes that the candidate has basic familiarity with use of computers like use of keyboard and mouse operation. It is the responsibility of the candidate to acquire these skills before appearing in the test and the University cannot take responsibility for the same.
The final score will be displayed on the test screen immediately after the completion of the test.
Click here for the demo on Online Entrance Test.
There will be one question paper of 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of the objective type which carries 200 marks.
The approximate distribution of questions is given below. Pedodontics (16), Orthodontics (16), Periodontics (16), Oral Medicine & Radiology (16), Prosthodontics (16), Conservative Dentistry (16), Oral Surgery (16), Public Health (16), Human Anatomy (8), Human Physiology including Biochemistry (8), Dental Materials (8), Pharmacology (8), General Pathology & Microbiology (8), Oral Anatomy (8), General Medicine (8), General Surgery (8), Oral Pathology (8).
KLEU - PGAIET - 2013
The University shall be conducting KLE University Post-Graduate All India Entrance -Test - 2013 ( KLEU - PGAIET - 2013 ) on Saturday, the 2nd February 2013 from 2.00 to 5.00 PM at
eighteen centres across the country viz, Belgaum, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, New-Delhi, Hyderabad, Vijaywada, Kolkata, Panjim, Indore, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Cochin, Guwahati, Mumbai, Nagpur and Chennai for admission to various Post-Graduate Degree / Diploma Courses (Medical / Dental )in the constituent colleges of the University viz, J.N.Medical College, Belgaum and KLE V.K.Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, for the academic session 2013-14.
The schedule of conduct of PGAIET-2013 is enclosed. The eligible candidates, willing to appear for the aforsaid test, may download the application forms from the University website
Printout of the application form along with DD for Rs. 3,000/- payable at Belgaumdrawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Registrar KLE University, Belgaum.has to be sent by post or submitted in person to The Registrar's office, KLE University, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum - 590010, So as to reach on or before 25th January, 2013 by 5.00 pm.
Note :-
Those of the students who have taken additional 4 (Four) or more than 4 (Four) extra attempts (i.e. who have failed for four times) during the entire MBBS/ BDS course are not eligible to apply for admission to PG Degree/ PG Diploma courses. Production of attempt certificate from the Head of the Institution is mandatory.
Students claiming seats under BRD category should satisfy the following criteria
The student's parents should be permanent residents of one of the seven districts viz. Belgaum, Dharwad, Karwar, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Haveri and Gadag. (Recent Parents Domicile Certificate to be enclosed).
The students should have done at least ten years of schooling (Primary and Secondary) including PUC I & PUC II in any of the above mentioned seven districts. Period of study of MBBS/ BDS shall not be considered for calculating 10 years of schooling.(Students Study Certificate to be enclosed).
Printout of the application form along with DD for Rs. 3,000/- payable at Belgaumdrawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Registrar KLE University, Belgaum.has to be sent by post or submitted in person to The Registrar's office, KLE University, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum - 590010, So as to reach on or before 25th January, 2013 by 5.00 pm.
Note :-
Those of the students who have taken additional 4 (Four) or more than 4 (Four) extra attempts (i.e. who have failed for four times) during the entire MBBS/ BDS course are not eligible to apply for admission to PG Degree/ PG Diploma courses. Production of attempt certificate from the Head of the Institution is mandatory.
Students claiming seats under BRD category should satisfy the following criteria
The student's parents should be permanent residents of one of the seven districts viz. Belgaum, Dharwad, Karwar, Bijapur, Bagalkot, Haveri and Gadag. (Recent Parents Domicile Certificate to be enclosed).
The students should have done at least ten years of schooling (Primary and Secondary) including PUC I & PUC II in any of the above mentioned seven districts. Period of study of MBBS/ BDS shall not be considered for calculating 10 years of schooling.(Students Study Certificate to be enclosed).
Saturday, November 3, 2012
AMUPMDC MDS Exam Notification

Association of management of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra
JAN 06, 2013 SUNDAY
2:00- 3:30PM

Tags: Amupmdc exam notification, dental, mds, pg, bds, post graduation, entrance exam, exam paper, date, result
Thursday, November 1, 2012
NITTE University MDS Entrance Exam Notice
Nitte University invites applications for All India Post Graduates Entrance Test NUPGET – 2013 to be held on 06-01-2013 from candidates eligible for MDS courses.
Application complete in all respect shall reach the Registrar on or before 22-12-2012. For details log on to our website or contact by e-mail or phone.
Application complete in all respect shall reach the Registrar on or before 22-12-2012. For details log on to our website or contact by e-mail or phone.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Stewart's Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics

Rodney D. Phoenix (Author), David R. Cagna (Author), Charles F. Defreest (Author), Kenneth L. Stewart (Author)
Book DescriptionPublication Date: January 2003 | ISBN-10: 0867154179 | ISBN-13: 978-0867154177 | Edition: 3
This work provides an overview of removable partial denture service in contemporary dental practice, with an emphasis on clinical and design aspects. Clinical topics range from examination and treatment planning to mouth preparation and prosthesis placement. Common design philosophies are discusses,and a step-by-step method for partial denture design is presented. Also included are alternative removable partial denture therapies such as swing lock, dual path and attachment-type prostheses.
Tags: Stewart's Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics. Download, Stweart rpd, pdf, ebook, free download, online, prosthodontics, Phoenix, Stewart's Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics, stewart rpd download free,
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Sale of Information Brochures & Application Forms: OCT 18, 2012
Last date for receiving complete Application Form at: JAN 01, 2013
Office of the Association of Private Dental & Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh, DMAT Office, E-2/51, Arera Colony, BHOPAL - 462016 (M.P)
Date of Examination : JAN 06, 2013
Examination Centre (City): INDORE
In pursuance of judgment dated 01/10/2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and incompliance of judgment in the case of Mriduldhar, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India time schedule as given by MCI, alongwith judgment dated 08.05.2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. An All India Common Entrance Test (Pre-PG-DMAT-2012) for admission to MD/MS and MDS Courses will be held on 6th January 2013 (SUNDAY) at INDORE for the Session 2013-14, in R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore, People’s College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal, Index Medical College Hospital & RC, Indore, Modern Dental College & RC, Indore, People’s College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal, People’s Dental Academy, Bhopal, Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, Jabalpur, Sri Aurobindo College of Dentistry, Indore, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry, Gwalior and Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal. L. N. Medical College Hospital & RC, Bhopal and College of Dental Science, Rau, Indore are likely to get permission for MD/MS/MDS - PG Course for 2013-14. If Government of India / DCI permission is received, seats of concerned college will also be included in Counselling. In case private colleges other than mentioned above, who have applied to DCI/MCI for PG
Seats Academic Session 2013-14 will get approval they would also be included at the time of Counselling.
Sale of Information Brochures & Application Forms: OCT 18, 2012
Last date for receiving complete Application Form at: JAN 01, 2013
Office of the Association of Private Dental & Medical Colleges of Madhya Pradesh, DMAT Office, E-2/51, Arera Colony, BHOPAL - 462016 (M.P)
Date of Examination : JAN 06, 2013
Examination Centre (City): INDORE
In pursuance of judgment dated 01/10/2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and incompliance of judgment in the case of Mriduldhar, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India time schedule as given by MCI, alongwith judgment dated 08.05.2012 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. An All India Common Entrance Test (Pre-PG-DMAT-2012) for admission to MD/MS and MDS Courses will be held on 6th January 2013 (SUNDAY) at INDORE for the Session 2013-14, in R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore, People’s College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal, Index Medical College Hospital & RC, Indore, Modern Dental College & RC, Indore, People’s College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal, People’s Dental Academy, Bhopal, Hitkarini Dental College & Hospital, Jabalpur, Sri Aurobindo College of Dentistry, Indore, Maharana Pratap College of Dentistry, Gwalior and Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal. L. N. Medical College Hospital & RC, Bhopal and College of Dental Science, Rau, Indore are likely to get permission for MD/MS/MDS - PG Course for 2013-14. If Government of India / DCI permission is received, seats of concerned college will also be included in Counselling. In case private colleges other than mentioned above, who have applied to DCI/MCI for PG
Seats Academic Session 2013-14 will get approval they would also be included at the time of Counselling.
Friday, October 19, 2012
DATE OF EXAM: FEB 03, 2013
Whereas, the Medical Council of India intended to conduct National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Post Graduate Medical Degree vide Notification No. MCI-31(1)/2010/Med/62051 dtd. 15.02.2012 and in No. MCI-18(1)/2010-Med./62052 dtd. 15.02.2012;
Whereas, the Karnataka Private Medical and Dental Colleges Association (KPM&DCA) has obtained an interim order by which the said Notifications have been stayed by the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore in W.P. No. 12417-12419/2012 dtd. 04th May 2012;
Whereas, the fact of stay and its consequences have been informed to MCI in a communication dtd. 07.07.2012 clearly indicating to MCI not to proceed to the conduct of the said examinations in so far as our member institutions comprising of 12 Medical and 25 Dental colleges are concerned;
Whereas, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, while transferring the above Writ Petition filed by the Medical Council of India in TP (C) No. 302/2012 dated 12.10.2012 , was pleased to continue the interim orders which have already been passed by the Hon’ble High Court;
Whereas, the KPM&DCA have entrusted COMEDK with the responsibility of conducting an Entrance Test 2013 to Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental stream in Karnataka for their member institutions;
Now, therefore, the Entrance Test for Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental streams in respect of Member Institutions for effecting admissions in the academic year 2013 would be held on the 03rd February 2013, the Sunday (*).Candidates are advised to visit the COMEDK website ( for updates. The start date for issue of Online Application would be in the first week of December as in previous years.
(*) As JIPMER conducted its PG Entrance Examination 2012 on second Sunday of the month of February, to facilitate students to take up that examination also, we propose to hold the Entrance Test on first Sunday the 03rd February 2013.
Whereas, the fact of stay and its consequences have been informed to MCI in a communication dtd. 07.07.2012 clearly indicating to MCI not to proceed to the conduct of the said examinations in so far as our member institutions comprising of 12 Medical and 25 Dental colleges are concerned;
Whereas, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, while transferring the above Writ Petition filed by the Medical Council of India in TP (C) No. 302/2012 dated 12.10.2012 , was pleased to continue the interim orders which have already been passed by the Hon’ble High Court;
Whereas, the KPM&DCA have entrusted COMEDK with the responsibility of conducting an Entrance Test 2013 to Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental stream in Karnataka for their member institutions;
Now, therefore, the Entrance Test for Post Graduate courses in Medical and Dental streams in respect of Member Institutions for effecting admissions in the academic year 2013 would be held on the 03rd February 2013, the Sunday (*).Candidates are advised to visit the COMEDK website ( for updates. The start date for issue of Online Application would be in the first week of December as in previous years.
(*) As JIPMER conducted its PG Entrance Examination 2012 on second Sunday of the month of February, to facilitate students to take up that examination also, we propose to hold the Entrance Test on first Sunday the 03rd February 2013.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Shahrokh C. Bagheri DMD MD (Author), Chris Jo DMD (Author)
Publication Date: August 23, 2007 | ISBN-10: 032304574X | ISBN-13: 978-0323045742
With cases reflecting the classic presentation format of each disease process, this book prepares students for patient encounters during their oral and maxillofacial surgery rotations. It also helps residents learn and review "high yield" material that is commonly found in oral and maxillofacial training and on board examinations. It highlights clinical information that is commonly asked during rounds, in the operating room, and during examinations. For each case, it includes an overview of the most common clinical presentation, physical exam findings, diagnostic tools, complications, treatment, and a discussion of any controversial issues that may surround the case. The authors describe Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as "A little reach for the dental student, right on target for the OMS resident, and a strong refresher for OMS board certification."
Publication Date: August 23, 2007 | ISBN-10: 032304574X | ISBN-13: 978-0323045742
With cases reflecting the classic presentation format of each disease process, this book prepares students for patient encounters during their oral and maxillofacial surgery rotations. It also helps residents learn and review "high yield" material that is commonly found in oral and maxillofacial training and on board examinations. It highlights clinical information that is commonly asked during rounds, in the operating room, and during examinations. For each case, it includes an overview of the most common clinical presentation, physical exam findings, diagnostic tools, complications, treatment, and a discussion of any controversial issues that may surround the case. The authors describe Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as "A little reach for the dental student, right on target for the OMS resident, and a strong refresher for OMS board certification."
Friday, October 5, 2012
Textbook of Endodontics by Nisha Garg and Amit Garg

A comprehensively updated new edition of a key textbook of endodontics, the dental specialty that deals with the tooth pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth, which reflects recent changes in technology and the science of the procedures anf techniques. Contains nine new chapters, and comes with two DVDs with step-by-step demonstrations of new techniques in the field. Flow charts, tables, and over 500 online MCQs. For dental students and residents.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
AIPG MDS Entrance Exam 2013
Tags: dental all india mds entrance exam 2013, neet dental, mds entrance exam aiims, all india. aipg, aipgde
Friday, September 21, 2012
Candidates can now choose date, centre for NEET 2013

Its official now, the first ever All India “Online test” for Post Graduate medical students will be conducted from November 23, 2012. The new system offers flexibility for aspirants to choose any date
between November 23 to December 6, 2012.
After following paper-pencil format for years, this will be the first time that an online test will be conducted for Post Graduate (PG) medical students. Sources in the ministry revealed that the notification with regard to the new computer based testing is likely to come up by next week.
The National Board of Examination (NBE), which agreed to conduct the Common Entrance Test (CET) for PG medical students, decided to replicate the IIM model, an “online test” format for the students. About 36 centres all across the country have been shortlisted. The candidates will also have a flexibility in choosing their centre on first come first basis. “Each state capital will have atleast one centre where the candidate can give the test. The candidates can chose their centre,” said senior official.
All candidates who have completed their MBBS intership or those who will be completing it by 31 March, 2013, will be eligible to sit in the exam.
The NBE has had a detailed planning on the new format to which the IIM’s had switched three years back.
The new system for PG medical test will offer flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the “fourteen day” period for the test.
After following paper-pencil format for years, this will be the first time that an online test will be conducted for Post Graduate (PG) medical students. Sources in the ministry revealed that the notification with regard to the new computer based testing is likely to come up by next week.
The National Board of Examination (NBE), which agreed to conduct the Common Entrance Test (CET) for PG medical students, decided to replicate the IIM model, an “online test” format for the students. About 36 centres all across the country have been shortlisted. The candidates will also have a flexibility in choosing their centre on first come first basis. “Each state capital will have atleast one centre where the candidate can give the test. The candidates can chose their centre,” said senior official.
All candidates who have completed their MBBS intership or those who will be completing it by 31 March, 2013, will be eligible to sit in the exam.
The NBE has had a detailed planning on the new format to which the IIM’s had switched three years back.
The new system for PG medical test will offer flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the “fourteen day” period for the test.
Tags: neet medical 2013, neet 2013 dental, neet exam date, neet mds exam date, need national board, national board nbe cet exam schedule
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Important Dates for AIIMS MDS Entrance Exam
Status of Applications and date of hosting the Admit Cards on website 26.10.2012
Expected date of declaration of Result 29.11.2012
1st Counseling 13.12.2012
2nd Counseling 20.12.2012
Open Selection 28.01.2013
2nd Counseling 20.12.2012
Open Selection 28.01.2013
Sunday, September 9, 2012
AIIMS PG Entrance Exam for Jan 2013 session

Application Fees -
Rs 1000 (Rs 800 for SC/ST candidates) – details in the detailed advertisement
Exam Centres -
Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Guwahati
How to Apply -
Interested candidates need to apply online only through AIIMS website.No other method is allowed
Date of Online Application - 17-09-2012 to 15-10-2012
Date of Exam - 18-11-2012
Tags: Aiims nov exam mds entrance 2012 dental, aiims dental entrance exam, aiims jan 2013 medical entrance exam, prospectus, online login, online roll number, result, admit card download, aiims nov 2012 admit card download online, aiims 2012 2013 result download pdf, aiims dental mds prospectus
Tags: Aiims nov exam mds entrance 2012 dental, aiims dental entrance exam, aiims jan 2013 medical entrance exam, prospectus, online login, online roll number, result, admit card download, aiims nov 2012 admit card download online, aiims 2012 2013 result download pdf, aiims dental mds prospectus
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Online PG Medical Test To Be Held Later This Year
NEWS published in Aug 28, 2012 of DeccanChronical.
The Union health ministry, which approved the new “ONLINE” method on Monday, decided to conduct the exam in October or November this year.
Sources in the ministry disclosed that the file has already been sent for the approval of Union health minister and the final date of the test will be notified this week. Earlier, some senior health ministry officials has opposed thenew move to conduct common online test. They had advised that the old-pencil format should be used.
However, in a meeting held on Monday the new technique developed by the National Board of Examination (NBE) on the lines of IIM test-got the final approval.
The new method has been replicated from the IIM model-an “online test” format for the studentswhich they introduced three years back. The PG medical test will be conducted for all private and government medical colleges, barring All India Institute of Medical College (AIIMS), PGI Chandigarh and JIPMErPondicherry.
“These are autonomous institutes and and can conduct their own exams under the Act of Parliament. These institutes have been exempted from the common test,” said a senior official in the health ministry. AIIMS conduct PG exam for 50 per cent of the government seats on behalf of DGHS which comes to around 4,000 seats.
The NBE which is ready with the new system says that it offers flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the ten-day period for the test. Besides invigilators, CCTVs and biometric identification systems will also be put in place.
Tags: NBE, National board examination, neet, neet dental, common mds entrance exam, mds entrance exam 2013, mds entrance exam 2014, mds entrance exam pattern, mds entrance exam date, mds entrance exam schedule,
- Online NEET confirmed.
- Exam at End of the year, (official announcement of exam date pending).
- NBE will conduct the exam.
- Autonomous institutes not covered under NEET.
The Union health ministry, which approved the new “ONLINE” method on Monday, decided to conduct the exam in October or November this year.
Sources in the ministry disclosed that the file has already been sent for the approval of Union health minister and the final date of the test will be notified this week. Earlier, some senior health ministry officials has opposed thenew move to conduct common online test. They had advised that the old-pencil format should be used.
However, in a meeting held on Monday the new technique developed by the National Board of Examination (NBE) on the lines of IIM test-got the final approval.
The new method has been replicated from the IIM model-an “online test” format for the studentswhich they introduced three years back. The PG medical test will be conducted for all private and government medical colleges, barring All India Institute of Medical College (AIIMS), PGI Chandigarh and JIPMErPondicherry.
“These are autonomous institutes and and can conduct their own exams under the Act of Parliament. These institutes have been exempted from the common test,” said a senior official in the health ministry. AIIMS conduct PG exam for 50 per cent of the government seats on behalf of DGHS which comes to around 4,000 seats.
The NBE which is ready with the new system says that it offers flexibility for candidates to choose any date in the ten-day period for the test. Besides invigilators, CCTVs and biometric identification systems will also be put in place.
Tags: NBE, National board examination, neet, neet dental, common mds entrance exam, mds entrance exam 2013, mds entrance exam 2014, mds entrance exam pattern, mds entrance exam date, mds entrance exam schedule,
Saturday, August 11, 2012
NEET 2013- Highlights

2. It shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum of marks at 50 PERCENTILE in NEET.
40 percentile for OBC, SC Candidates.
3. An all india merit list as well as state wise merit list of the eligible candidates shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in NEET
4. Reservation of seats in colleges/institutions for respective category shall be as applicable laws prevailing in states/UT.
5. In non-govt dental colleges/institutions, 50% of the total seats shall be filled by state govt or the authority appointed by them and the remaining 50% of the seats shall be filled by concerned dental college on the basis of merit list prepared as per the marks obtained in NEET.
Tags: dci, dental neet, single exam, eligibility exam, mds pg exam, dental pg 2013, mds bds entrance exam,
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Mnemonics: Location of Cranial Nerves
12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves:

II. Optic
III. Oculomotor
IV. Trochlear
V. Trigeminal
VI. Abducens
VII. Facial
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
IX. Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Spinal Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal
Tags: cranial nerves position, location, remember, place, origin, insertions, mnemonics, how to remember location of cranial nerves, facial nerves,
Sunday, June 3, 2012
AIIMS May 2012 Exam Paper
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Doctors going to US for studies will have to sign bond for return
NEW DELHI: The government today said any doctor going to the US for higher medical studies would have to sign a bond with it before leaving and honour the document by returning to India after finishing the study period.
"From this year onwards, any student going for further medical education to the US will have to give us a bond that he will come back after finishing the studies. In the last three years, 3000 doctors went abroad for studies and did not return. Now if a student does not come back from the US, he won't be allowed to practice there," health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said.
He said the US from this year onwards is insisting on a government NOC to every student enrolling with an American institute for studies.
"No other country except the US is asking for this NOC. Those who apply to go to the US for studies from 2012, will have to give us a bond saying they would come back after finishing the studies. If they don't fulfill the bond obligation, we can write to the US to deny the student permission to practice," Azad told reporters here.
The minister also expressed the hope that the MCI will give its approval to the proposed three-year Bachelor of Rural Health Care course, which seeks to create a separate cadre of public health professionals in the country to serve in rural areas. He said the doctors' organisations were not interested in the course.
"Doctors' organisations are opposing the course. I have no hesitation in saying that they have a vested interest to increase their practice," Azad said.
Azad said there was a paucity of doctors in primary health centres as doctors only wanted to stay in urban areas.
"The rural health care course was ready two years ago. The curriculum is also ready. States are free to implement the course, as Assam is doing, but we wanted the MCI's recognition to ensure uniform standards for the course across India. We hope the MCI will move fast on it," he said.
The course, Azad said, would create professionals above the level of paramedics and below the level of MBBS doctors.
The move is aimed at not just taming the quacks, who have a field day in rural areas in the absence of adequate medical facilities there, but also provide good medical aid to the rural population at their doorstep.
It is being opposed by doctors' lobby as patients from rural areas rush to private practitioners in urban areas, even as doctors' organisations feel the creation of a new set of professionals would confuse the population and lead to devaluing the doctors, official sources said.
"From this year onwards, any student going for further medical education to the US will have to give us a bond that he will come back after finishing the studies. In the last three years, 3000 doctors went abroad for studies and did not return. Now if a student does not come back from the US, he won't be allowed to practice there," health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said.
He said the US from this year onwards is insisting on a government NOC to every student enrolling with an American institute for studies.
"No other country except the US is asking for this NOC. Those who apply to go to the US for studies from 2012, will have to give us a bond saying they would come back after finishing the studies. If they don't fulfill the bond obligation, we can write to the US to deny the student permission to practice," Azad told reporters here.
The minister also expressed the hope that the MCI will give its approval to the proposed three-year Bachelor of Rural Health Care course, which seeks to create a separate cadre of public health professionals in the country to serve in rural areas. He said the doctors' organisations were not interested in the course.
"Doctors' organisations are opposing the course. I have no hesitation in saying that they have a vested interest to increase their practice," Azad said.
Azad said there was a paucity of doctors in primary health centres as doctors only wanted to stay in urban areas.
"The rural health care course was ready two years ago. The curriculum is also ready. States are free to implement the course, as Assam is doing, but we wanted the MCI's recognition to ensure uniform standards for the course across India. We hope the MCI will move fast on it," he said.
The course, Azad said, would create professionals above the level of paramedics and below the level of MBBS doctors.
The move is aimed at not just taming the quacks, who have a field day in rural areas in the absence of adequate medical facilities there, but also provide good medical aid to the rural population at their doorstep.
It is being opposed by doctors' lobby as patients from rural areas rush to private practitioners in urban areas, even as doctors' organisations feel the creation of a new set of professionals would confuse the population and lead to devaluing the doctors, official sources said.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
symptoms- the patients likes every status and pics that they come across with.
symptoms- the patients dont like any interesting pics or status they come across with coz they think that the likes will get firnished.
symptoms- the patients log on to f.b after a very long time then they log off and then log in later after more than two weeks. its like
they shy away from f.b.
symptoms- the patients want to be tagged in each and every photo they come across with.
symptoms- the patients tend to update sad posts. e.g i hate love, i hate my life and so on.
symptoms- the patients tend to randomly send friend request to many people without any consideration.
symptoms- the patients seem to be commenting in each and every post that they come across with.
symptoms- the patients tend to be commenting rubish or negative things on other peoples posts.
symptoms- the patients tend to be removing their posts that received very little or no likes and comments.
symptoms- the patients cannot stay for more than 24hours without thinking of facebook.
CONTROL: The above disorders can be controlled by doing the exact opposite of the symptoms above.
Rx- Anti-FB therapy for 1month with
1) Likolycin,
Top 10 brain damaging habits
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar ConsumptionToo much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6 . Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head Covered While Sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working Your Brain During Illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in Stimulating Thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar ConsumptionToo much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6 . Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head Covered While Sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working Your Brain During Illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in Stimulating Thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Textbook of Orthodontics by Samir Bishara
About this book:
This is a comprehensive textbook written for the predoctoral dental student. Samir E. Bishara and the other contributors present the fundamentals of orthodontics in 30 chapters divided into six sections:
Growth and Development;
Diagnosis; Appliances;
Treatment and Treatment Considerations;
Other Aspects Related to Treatment; and
Orthodontics and Adjunct Treatment.
Case examples relate the concepts to clinical applications and make the text appealing and useful.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Information about college, fee, bond information etc for post graduate courses for academic session
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
USED Books Available for sale...
1. Orban's Oral Histology and embryology 11th edition
2. Manual of Oral Histology and Oral Pathology (Color Atlas and Text) By Maji Jose
3. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery by Vinod Kapoor 2nd edition
4. Mc Cracken's Removal Partial Denture 9th edition
5. Manipal Manual of surgery for dental students by K. Rajagopal shenoy
6. Textbook of Clinical Medicine for dental students by SN CHUG
7. DK Ultimate Visual Dictionary
8. Shafer's Essential of Oral Pathology 5th edition (Original and Photocopy)
9. First Aid for NBDE PART 1
11. Essential Pathology for dental students by Harsh Mohan 3rd edition
12. Textbook of Pediatric dentistry by SG Damle 3rd edition
13. DK Concise Atlas of world
14. Contemporary Oral and maxillofacial surgery 4th edition by Peterson
15. Carranza Clinical Periodontology 10th edition
16. Dental Pulse VOL 1 (4th edition and 5th edition)
17. Dental Pulse Vol 2 (4th edition and 5th edition)
18. Essential of Clinical Periodontology and periodontics by Shantipriya Reddy 2nd edition
19. Bhatia Dentogist 4th edition
20. Essential of biochemistry by U Satyanarayana 2nd edition
21. Bhatia Dentogist CLINICAL by Himani Saini 6th edition
22. Matering BDS 2nd year (MICRO AND PHARMA) (Photocopy)
23. Phillips Sciences of dental material 10th edition
24. Target educare Hardcopy of Online test series with explanation
25. Text book of microbiology for dental students by DR ARORA AND HINA ARORA 2nd edition
26. Zarb bolender Prosthodontic treatment for edentulos patients 12th edition
27. Essential of preventive and community dentistry by Soben Peter 3rd edition
28. Textbook of pedodontics by shoba tondon
29. Orthodontics by Bhalaji 3rd edition
2. Manual of Oral Histology and Oral Pathology (Color Atlas and Text) By Maji Jose
3. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery by Vinod Kapoor 2nd edition
4. Mc Cracken's Removal Partial Denture 9th edition
5. Manipal Manual of surgery for dental students by K. Rajagopal shenoy
6. Textbook of Clinical Medicine for dental students by SN CHUG
7. DK Ultimate Visual Dictionary
8. Shafer's Essential of Oral Pathology 5th edition (Original and Photocopy)
9. First Aid for NBDE PART 1
11. Essential Pathology for dental students by Harsh Mohan 3rd edition
12. Textbook of Pediatric dentistry by SG Damle 3rd edition
13. DK Concise Atlas of world
14. Contemporary Oral and maxillofacial surgery 4th edition by Peterson
15. Carranza Clinical Periodontology 10th edition
16. Dental Pulse VOL 1 (4th edition and 5th edition)
17. Dental Pulse Vol 2 (4th edition and 5th edition)
18. Essential of Clinical Periodontology and periodontics by Shantipriya Reddy 2nd edition
19. Bhatia Dentogist 4th edition
20. Essential of biochemistry by U Satyanarayana 2nd edition
21. Bhatia Dentogist CLINICAL by Himani Saini 6th edition
22. Matering BDS 2nd year (MICRO AND PHARMA) (Photocopy)
23. Phillips Sciences of dental material 10th edition
24. Target educare Hardcopy of Online test series with explanation
25. Text book of microbiology for dental students by DR ARORA AND HINA ARORA 2nd edition
26. Zarb bolender Prosthodontic treatment for edentulos patients 12th edition
27. Essential of preventive and community dentistry by Soben Peter 3rd edition
28. Textbook of pedodontics by shoba tondon
29. Orthodontics by Bhalaji 3rd edition
Friday, April 6, 2012
Presentation on Periodontal Application of Prosthodontic Treatment
Submited By Dr Shruti Goel (AIPG RANK 09)
Click Here To Download
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
Presentation on Root Canal Treatment SIMPLIFIED
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Gingivitis and Periodontal Diseases In Children
Presentation submitted by Dr Shruti Goel (AIPG Rank 09)
Click Here To Download
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Change Your Smile by Ronal E Goldstein
About This Book
In this third edition of a work on improving the appearance of patients' teeth, there are new sections on bleaching, porcelain laminates, porcelain inlays/onlays, resin-bonded bridges and more.
About Author
Dr. Ronald Goldstein has been called "The Father of Esthetic Dentistry" by leading cosmetic dentist, Dr. Stuart Isler, because of his pioneering contributions to esthetic and restorative dentistry. He writes for both consumers and dentists alike, having authored or co-authored 8 textbooks for the dental profession on various phases of cosmetic dentistry. His books have been translated in 10 languages throughout the world. He also writes regularly for New Beauty Magazine and Southern Seasons Magazine. Dr. Goldstein has been featured in over 100 magazine interviews, written 125 dental articles and presented over 600 lectures or courses. He is also on the editorial board of 3 dental journals and has appeared in more than 70 consumer oriented programs on dentistry, including ABC's 20-20, NBC, CNN, Discovery Health Channel, Fox, CBS and many others. Dr. Goldstein holds professorships at 3 dental schools and has received many awards during his career. His practice is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Presentation on Diagnosis and Management of Xerostomia
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Presentation on Suturing Material and Techniques
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Powerpoint Presentation on Anatomy And Physiology In Relation To Complete Denture Construction
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Powerpoint Presentation on Biomechanics of Edentulous State
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Presentation on Muscle of Mastication
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In Gujarat, 3-year jail for slapping a doctor
GANDHINAGAR: The Gujarat state assembly on Thursday passed a bill which makes any form of "violence on medicare service personnel and damage of the property of medical service institutes" a congisable and non-bailable offence.
Passed unanimously in the absence of majority of Opposition legislators who were suspended for the rest of the current session of the state assembly, except three, the Statement of Objects and Reasons attached with the bill - called Gujarat Medicare Service Persons and Medicare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage or Loss of Property) Bill, 2012 - recognizes that there has been a sharp rise in the incidence of violence and damage to property of medicare service institutions in the recent past.
It admits, "Increase in the incidents of violence has resulted in unrest among medical persons, disruption of medical services and inconvenience to the general public."
The bill says that any person who indulges in this type of violence, or even abets it, "shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to Rs 50,000, or with both". Then, the person indulging in violence will be liable to pay penalty of twice the market price of medical equipment damaged and the loss caused to the property. The amount, it adds, would be determined by the court of law.
Passed unanimously in the absence of majority of Opposition legislators who were suspended for the rest of the current session of the state assembly, except three, the Statement of Objects and Reasons attached with the bill - called Gujarat Medicare Service Persons and Medicare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage or Loss of Property) Bill, 2012 - recognizes that there has been a sharp rise in the incidence of violence and damage to property of medicare service institutions in the recent past.
It admits, "Increase in the incidents of violence has resulted in unrest among medical persons, disruption of medical services and inconvenience to the general public."
The bill says that any person who indulges in this type of violence, or even abets it, "shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to Rs 50,000, or with both". Then, the person indulging in violence will be liable to pay penalty of twice the market price of medical equipment damaged and the loss caused to the property. The amount, it adds, would be determined by the court of law.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Download House MD
Download All Season of HOUSE MD via Torrent.

About The Show
House (also known as House, M.D) is an American television medical drama that debuted on the Fox network on November 16, 2004. The show's central character is Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie), an unconventional and misanthropic medical genius who heads a team of diagnosticians at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital (PPTH) in New Jersey. The show's premise originated with Paul Attanasio, while David Shore, who is credited as creator, was primarily responsible for the conception of the title character. The show's executive producers include Shore, Attanasio, Attanasio's business partner Katie Jacobs, and film director Bryan Singer. It is largely filmed in Century City.
House often clashes with his fellow physicians, including his own diagnostic team, because many of his hypotheses about patients' illnesses are based on subtle or controversial insights. His flouting of hospital rules and procedures frequently leads him into conflict with his boss, hospital administrator and Dean of Medicine
Thursday, March 29, 2012
NEW DELHI: It’s now official – the common National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) for admission to Under Graduate (UG) will be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE) while it will be the National Board of Examination that will conduct the Post Graduate (PG) exams.India is all set to roll out NEET from 2013-14.
Putting ghosts to rest, the Union health ministry has informed state governments that their existing reservation policies would not be disturbed under the proposed scheme and state wise eligibility merit lists will be prepared for the respective state authorities to admit students for admission in accordance with their admission criteria in the institutions located in the respective states.
The Medical Council of India has also revised the syllabus for NEET-UG.
The qualifying criterion has been changed from percentage of absolute marks to percentile to ensure that no seat remains unfilled. Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Monday “A few state governments had expressed concerns about the proposed NEET particularly with regard to the syllabus for the NEET for UG, reservation of seats, medium of examination, as well as their own preparedness to introduce the scheme from the academic year 2012-13 and whether once introduced some of their seats would go unfilled because of high merit. The government has addressed all the concerns.”
Putting ghosts to rest, the Union health ministry has informed state governments that their existing reservation policies would not be disturbed under the proposed scheme and state wise eligibility merit lists will be prepared for the respective state authorities to admit students for admission in accordance with their admission criteria in the institutions located in the respective states.
The Medical Council of India has also revised the syllabus for NEET-UG.
The qualifying criterion has been changed from percentage of absolute marks to percentile to ensure that no seat remains unfilled. Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Monday “A few state governments had expressed concerns about the proposed NEET particularly with regard to the syllabus for the NEET for UG, reservation of seats, medium of examination, as well as their own preparedness to introduce the scheme from the academic year 2012-13 and whether once introduced some of their seats would go unfilled because of high merit. The government has addressed all the concerns.”
Union Public Service Commission
No. 14/1/2011-E.I(B) : A combined examination for recruitment to the services and posts mentioned in para 2 below will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on the 17th June, 2012 in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Dept. of Health) in the Gazette of India dated the 24th March, 2012.
Centres of Examination :
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Download COMEDK 2012 SOLVED Exam Paper
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