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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
CMC Ludhiana MDS Exam Notification
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana MDS Exam Notification
Last Date: 17 Feb 2012
Exam Date: 24 Feb 2012
Exam Venue: Ludhiana, New Delhi, Kochi
Result: 29 Feb 2012
Distribution of Seats:
Pedodontia and Preventive Dentistry: TOTAL 4 SEATS
Category A- 1 [Christian Sponsored]
Category B- 1 [Christian Open]
Category C-2 [Open]
Course Fees: 2,99,000/-
How to Apply:
Exam Fees: 3200/- along with application form
Click here to apply online
This notification is for those who are searching for
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Friday, January 20, 2012
Mnemonics for Taste Buds Location
Cross sectional shape of the top of the bud tells their distribution.
Vallate: has a shallow 'V' at the top, so has a 'V' distribution at the back of the tongue.
Fungiform: top is round so it is towards the round end of the tongue.
Note vallate is also sometimes called circumvallate
In brief about Papillae
The majority of taste buds on the tongue sit on raised protrusions of the tongue surface called papillae. There are four types of papillae present in the human tongue:
Fungiform papillae - as the name suggests, these are slightly mushroom-shaped if looked at in longitudinal section. These are present mostly at the apex (tip) of the tongue, as well as at the sides. Innervated by facial nerve.
Filiform papillae - these are thin, long papillae "V"-shaped cones that don't contain taste buds but are the most numerous. These papillae are mechanical and not involved in gustation. They are characterized by increased keratinization.
Foliate papillae - these are ridges and grooves towards the posterior part of the roof of the mouth found on lateral margins. Innervated by facial nerve (anterior papillae) and glossopharyngeal nerve (posterior papillae).

They are associated with ducts of Von Ebner's glands, and are innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve.
It is generally accepted that there are five taste sensations:
Sweet, bitter, and savory (now sometimes called umami), which work with a signal through a G protein-coupled receptor.
Salty and sour, which work with ion channels.
This article is for those who are searching for
Physiology mnemonics, Dental physiology mnemonics, Taste buds mnemonics, papillae mnemonics, tongue taste buds mnemonics
UPPGMEE MDS Entrance Exam Notification
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow MDS Exam Notification
UP Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam 2012
Exam Date: Feb 26, 2012
Exam Venue: Lucknow
Form Cost : 1500/- (Can pay online)
Total Number of Seats: 12
Eligibility: Candidates who passed BDS From Any Dental college from Uttar Pradesh.
This notification is for those who are searching for
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012
MDS Exam Notification by MP Professional Examination Board
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board, Bhopal
MDS Entrance Exam for admission in government and private dental colleges in Madhya PradeshLast Date: 10 Feb 2012
Exam Date: 11 March 2012
Exam Center: Bhopal
For govt college: Candidate must be bonafied resident of Madhya Pradesh
For private college: Candidate must permanently be registered by Madhya Pradesh Dental Council
How to Apply
Application form for the test will be available from MPPEB counter and designated institution on a cash payment of Rs 1500/- from 18 Jan 2012 to 04 Feb 2012
Designated Institutions
Govt MH Home Sc and Sciences Girls College, Jabalpur
Govt Science College, Rewa
Ujjain Polytechnic College, Ujjain
Dr BR Ambedkar Polytechnic College, Gwalior
Women Polyechnic College, Indor
SR Govt Womens Polytechnic College, Sagar
COMEDK 2011 Exam Paper
This exam paper is for those who are searching for
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Annamalai University MDS Exam Notification
Rajah Muthiah Institute of Health Science
Admission Notification for MDS Degree
Last Date: 27 Jan 2012

Cost of Application: ` 2000/-
Venue: Annamalai University
How To Apply
Application and prospectus can be obtained from THE REGISTRAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, ANNAMALAINAGAR by sending DD in favor of THE REGISTRAR, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, ANNAMALAINAGAR payable at CHENNAI along with self addressed stamped envelop size 30 cm X 24 cm
Click Here For Official Notification
Click here for Official Website
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Monday, January 16, 2012
Mnemonics to remember Name of Vitamin B Complex
(One question of AIPG 2012- Other name of Vit B6)
"The Rhythm Nearly Proved Contagious"
B1- Thiamine
B2- Riboflavin
B3- Niacin
B6- Pyridoxine
B12- Cobalamine
"The Rhythm Nearly Proved Contagious"
B1- Thiamine
B2- Riboflavin
B3- Niacin
B6- Pyridoxine
B12- Cobalamine
This mnemonics is for those who are searching for
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Mnemonics for Clinical Manifestation of Anemia
P = Pharyngeal Web, Palpitations, Pale Mucous membranes(including sclera)
A = Atrophic Glossitis
I = Infections, Impaired healing
N = Neuropathy
S = Sterility
T = Taste Disturbance
A = Apthous ulcerations
K = Koilonychias
I = Increased fatigue
N = Nail beds pale
G = Gastric Mucosal Atrophy
This mnemonics is for those who are searching for
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Sunday, January 15, 2012
Mnemonics for Williams Syndrome
Weight (low at birth, slow to gain)
Iris (stellate iris)
Long philtrum
Large mouth
Increased Ca++
Aortic stenosis (and other stenoses)
Mental retardation
Swelling around eyes (periorbital puffiness)
In brief about Williams Syndrome
Williams syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects a child's growth, physical appearance, and cognitive development. People who have Williams syndrome are missing genetic material from chromosome 7, including the gene elastin. This gene's protein product gives blood vessels the stretchiness and strength required to withstand a lifetime of use. The elastin protein is made only during embryonic development and childhood, when blood vessels are formed. Because they lack the elastin protein, people with Williams Syndrome have disorders of the circulatory system and heart defects.
This mnemonics is for those who are searching for
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KCET 2011 Exam Paper
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